On 6 August 2021, Siobhan Baillie sends a short email response to Dan Guthrie’s letter of 31 July. Of the 14 questions posed by Guthrie, Baillie does not directly answer any, instead repackaging her original statement into her email response. She claims that ‘nobody contacted me’ about the Blackboy Clock until recently, and continues, ‘I have also had correspondence from people who have lived here all their lives who said it is not something they were aware of or taking issue with now.’
On 9 August, Guthrie responds to Baillie, reiterating his earlier questions, along with his email of 14 June 2020 bringing his concerns around the statue to her attention. He also communicates his disappointment in her recent language, including a recent column by Baillie in the Stroud News & Journal describing a local anti-racist group’s ‘shenanigans’. Guthrie ends his letter by requesting a full response or an in-person meeting.