The Blackboy Clock consultation gains its first piece of national media coverage in The Observer. The article focuses on Siobhan Baillie MP’s responses to the consultation, and highlights social media comments on a Stroud News & Journal report of her remarks: ‘I’m getting tired of black lives this and black lives that…’ and that only those ‘born and bred in Stroud’ should be expressing views on the clock.
Baillie provides commentary to The Observer: ‘Any suggestion that I am trying to whip up a culture war is absolute rubbish.’ The article also quotes Tony Burnett, CEO of Kick It Out, an organisation Baillie has previously worked with. Burnett says: ‘I would remind Ms Baillie that her work with Kick It Out on online anonymity does not give her a free pass to undermine anti-racist groups.’
On Facebook, The Observer’s article receives over 1,400 comments.