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Empty Alcove Captionsby Carefuffle Collective and Dan Guthrie

This is the transcript of the caption track for Dan Guthrie's work Empty Alcove. It was written by Carefuffle Collective and Dan Guthrie to be a dialogue between an objective and a subjective captioner to reflect the wide range of voices that have been involved in the ongoing conversations about the Blackboy Clock in Stroud.

The work is five minutes long and timecodes are displayed in the format mm:ss:ff, which is two-digit minutes, seconds, and frames.

A portrait TV screen sits against a white wall. On the screen is a empty alcove at the top of a building, with blue sky in the background. Overlaid is the caption [time passes with ease] in red letters.

Installation view of the captioned version of Empty Alcove. Courtesy of Spike Island, Bristol. Photography by Rob Harris.

00:02:23 -> 00:07:23
[relaxed street ambience]

00:10:22 -> 00:16:07
[distant kids’ chatter echoes]

00:19:07 -> 00:24:06
[calm in the air]

00:35:27 -> 00:40:29
[soft buzz of kids’ play echoes]

00:49:28 -> 00:54:29
[outside ambience; birds chirp]

00:59:04 -> 01:04:09
[street feels welcoming]

01:25:18 -> 01:29:18
[schoolyard ambience]

01:36:00 -> 01:41:13
[light hubbub of traffic]

01:45:23 -> 01:50:26
[far birdsong & kids’ chatter echo]

01:54:20 -> 02:00:04
[mundanity blossoms]

02:21:08 -> 02:26:12
[ambience of the place]

02:28:14 -> 02:33:08
[vehicles passing by]

02:40:27 -> 02:46:23
[birdsong & kids’ voices ebb and flow]

02:51:02 -> 02:56:18
[time passes with ease]

03:21:09 -> 03:26:19
[street ambience]

03:39:15 -> 03:44:03
[kids’ chatter subdued by a passing plane]

03:48:08 -> 03:52:29
[idyllic sounds of daily life]

04:20:10 -> 04:24:13
[schoolyard ambience]

04:31:15 -> 04:38:09
[birdsong & playful chatter continue to echo]

04:42:08 -> 04:47:11
[carefree kids having fun]

Alcove illustration

Carefuffle is a disabled and queer-led working group rooted in the principles of care, interconnected, authorship and social justice. We are dedicated to celebrating disabled and queer talent, aiming to embed it into public, curatorial, and academic mindset. Our commitment to challenging the ableist narratives and socio-cultural exclusion comes from the belief in the wholeness of disability and access as a collective joy and shared responsibility towards a liberatory future .

Dan Guthrie is an artist who often works with words and the moving image to explore representations and mis-representations of Black Britishness. His new body of work, Empty Alcove / Rotting Figure, is commissioned and produced by Spike Island and Chisenhale Gallery.